Catwalkin Kid
Ever wondered what it might be like to do some modelling even if you
are just a kid. Well its pretty exciting and very hectic.
Brendan modelled in fashion parades from the age of 8 until he was
12, and he loved it.
Firstly the host would pick a couple of children usually from the
head shot book. (That's a book filled with childrens photo's who are
available for work).Next there would be fittings for clothes and
decisions on the kind of clothes to be modelled.
Then there would be rehearsals of the show probably around three
times before the parade.
In the rehearsals dance routines would be worked out and practised,
change times to the very second have to be timed and music
While everything appears calm and cool out on the stage, backstage it
is bedlam! Bits of clothing and hairclips and shoes flying, zips jambing,
buttons breaking and the suddenly your music cue begins and you're on.
Out there struttin' your stuff, and it just flows perfectly.
Afterwards the near disasters are shared and there's lots of laughs,
congrats from the host, and if you're a kid an icecream isn't bad
This is a thumbnail believe it or not
click on pic to enlarge.

A word from Brendan:
Many thanks to some very special people Christine, Rebecca Eggles (Annie
Jennifer B, and (top right) my mate Shane, who gave me heaps of